Now you don't need to live in the same town as your tutor. Thanks to the internet, you can book your class, AND have your lesson online wherever you are! All you need is a headset and Skype, which is free to download here. If you have a webcam, you will be able to see the tutor and vice-versa. Tuition is specially designed to suit each individual's requirements.
The same rates (£25.00 per hour) apply as our One-To-One classes, but you save on travelling time and expenses.
A generous discount is applicable for advance block payments of 10 sessions.
Online classes are all taught by French Nationals - Meet the Tutors
Please contact us for further details and to book a class.
Go to to listen to recordings by native speakers. Practice by listening and writing it down in French, then check what you’ve written against the transcripts provided (and use the opportunity to check your spellings and accents too). Then translate and check your translation against the translation provided. Finally go back and listen to the recording now you are confident in understanding it.”